by Tony Karp

A blast from the past - Modern Photography Magazine - 1966

An April Fool's article by Tony Karp that was published in the April, 1966 issue of Modern Photography. - A blast from the past - Tony Karp, design, art, photography, techno-impressionist, techno-impressionism, aerial photography , drone , drones , dji , mavic pro , video , 3D printing - Books -

An April Fool's article by Tony Karp that was published in the April, 1966 issue of Modern Photography. - A blast from the past - Tony Karp, design, art, photography, techno-impressionist, techno-impressionism, aerial photography , drone , drones , dji , mavic pro , video , 3D printing - Books -

An April Fool's article by Tony Karp that was published in the April, 1966 issue of Modern Photography. - A blast from the past - Tony Karp, design, art, photography, techno-impressionist, techno-impressionism, aerial photography , drone , drones , dji , mavic pro , video , 3D printing - Books -

Copyright 1957-2024 Tony & Marilyn Karp