In the 1960s, I did a lot of freelance assignments for NBC. Back in those days, the networks were not afraid to throw a little culture into their programming mix. I ended up photographing performances of works by Shakespeare, Ibsen, and Wilder.
In 1960, I photographed Shakespeare's
The Tempest as presented on NBC's Hallmark Hall of fame. The production had an all-star cast: Maurice Evans, Richard Burton, Roddy McDowall, and Lee Remick. I shot these pictures during a dress rehearsal. They were not posed, but shot as the action occurred. NBC loved the shots and one showed up in Life Magazine
The pictures here are from the black and white prints that still remain in my collection.
Some technical notes: The original pictures were shot with either Canonflex R single lens reflex cameras or Canon Model P rangefinder cameras. The film was most likely Tri-X or Plus-X, developed in UFG. The prints were photographed with a Sony DSC-R1 camera and post processing was done with LightZone 3.
Copyright 1957-2024 Tony & Marilyn Karp